Jason Manford's HILARIOUS Facebook rant about Paw Patrol
The funnyman doesn't appear to be the world's biggest fan of the hero pups...

We reckon there is not a parent in the land who is not going to relate on some level to comedian Jason's lengthy Facebook post about his love/hate relationship with kids' TV.
We totally get it - we embrace these shows because they gives us a bit of peace and quiet to drink a cup of tea this side of lukewarm.
But then, there's everything else. It doesn't just end with 20 minutes of brightly-coloured televsion, it leads to a slippery slope of merchandise, dress up costumes, DVD box set, live shows...
So, what was Jason's particular 'beef' with Paw Patrol?
Well, he doens't like the concept, he doesn't like the catchphrases, he doesn't like the puppies, and he hates the fact it's not realistic (snort!). He's especially not keen on Mayor Goodway...
We'll hand over to the man himself to explain...
The Full Rant
"Ryder and the Paw Patrol.
"You are ripping off that town of Adventure Bay with your cute con-trick. A town, which for whatever reason doesn't have any sustainable and professional emergency services so has to depend on a team of puppies (not even proper dogs) in the event that any of the absolute morons who live in that town need a hand.
"With made up catchphrases which make no sense at all. I mean, "no job too big, no pup too small." Well I'd like to see a Yorkshire Terrier sort the Syrian refugee crisis out Ryder sir, you big bloody conman!
"Or maybe a shi tzu could fix climate change and the destruction of our natural resources. Oh I know, let's get a toy poodle to look into global Government accountability, transparency and corruption!
"Don't be so f****** stupid! It's a silly thing to say and you know it.
"Doesn't help that Mayor Goodway is a total be****d, who has a chicken in her handbag (surely her handbag is full of chicken s*** by now?!).
"I mean, that would be a red flag to me when the mayoral elections came up, but yet she still gets voted in every year even though the town's council tax is being squandered on unnecessary balloon rides and dog treats.
"Oh I've just remembered, there was an episode where Goodway confirmed that Chicaletta was in fact the DEPUTY MAYOR! Corruption!
"Then again after meeting the other adults in Adventure Bay, I can see why you wouldn't vote for any of them. I mean, Captain Turbot, a marine bioloigist no less, a man who keeps falling off his boat whilst taking pictures of seagulls, I can see how a chicken would be more qualified to run the town's affairs.
"Anyway, the only pup I don't get is Rocky, he's the one who drives a recycling truck; when have you ever needed one of those in an emergency?!
"999, what's your emergency please?" "Yeah, hi, I've put plastics in the leftovers bin and cardboard in the plastics! Heeeeelp!"
"Skye is pointless. I mean, either write a female character properly or just don't!
"Oh and I know cartoons are about selling toys, but adding that Paw Patroller massive truck half way through season two was just blatant! And it's about 80 quid! With pups sold separately! So thanks for that.
"Anyway, I'm not complaining, The Paw Patrol are like another parent in this house.
"I need a nap!"
Oh, Jason! This definitely made us LOL (even though we actually love Paw Patrol).
However, that wasn't not QUITE the end of it, because later, the funny man posted this update:
"Although saying all that, when I presented my two youngest with Paw Patrol Live tickets for today, they hugged me like never before, so Ryder sir and his team of pups, all is forgiven! Seeya later!"
And despite also sharing a grumpy face pic from the show, we reckon Mr M secretly enjoyed himself... like we always do at these types of events, right? ?
Image: Jason Manford/Facebook
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