Jeff Brazier answers MFM readers questions!
MFM spoke to the our favourite (and most handsome!) celeb single dad and asked him your questions. Here's what he said...

Now, as our MadeForMums Facebook fans already know, we recently met Jeff Brazier for a chat, in which we grilled him for his single working dad tips, hi summer holiday plans with sons Bobby and Freddy and how he copes being a young single dad since his sons mum, Jade Goody, passed away in 2009.
We also did a call out to you all asking if you had any burning questions for Jeff... Your questions were great (and funny!) so we passed them onto the 32-year-old cheeky chappy and here's what he said:
Do you have any great potty training tips you tried with your sons?
(from MFM user My Carry Potty)
J: Yeah! It's all about consistency. It's easy to slack and give in and whack a nappy on them, but you need to persevere! I would say that you also need a huge amount of patience, as well as huge amounts of praise when they do it right and hit the potty.
Will you marry me?!
(from MFM user's Toni-Marie Verrier and Laura Powell)
J: I do need a wife yeah ā Iām definitely single and would like a lovely lady to look after me. Did I mention I was single?!
Some celebrities are really bad role models but Jeff is a great role model and most known as being a great dad. How does Jeff find it being a positive role model?
(from MFM user Symone Darvell)
J: Being called a role model is really lovely and I'm glad people can see that I'm just tryng to do the best for my children and it's a pleasure if someone leanrs from it and something positive comes from it.
Jeff always seems so happy! What really winds him up?!
(from MFM user Symone Darvell)
J: Hmmm. I'd have to say my eldest boy Bobby knows how to push my buttons! I try not to over react though... I love everything that I have in my life and make sure I enjoy myself and make the most of every opportunity I'm given.