Jennifer Ellison is pregnant for the 3rd time and astonished to be expecting again – not only because it's just 11 months since she had her last baby but because doctors told she'd never conceive again.


The former Brookside actress has announced that she's 6 months pregnant, and both she and her husband Robbie Tickle were completely shocked when they found out.

After the birth of her first child, Bobby, now 4, Jennifer discovered she had cysts on her ovaries and was told it was incredibly unlikely she'd have any more children.

Then, completely out of the blue, she found she was pregnant – against all the medical odds. And, only 5 months after giving birth to her 2nd child, Harry, now 11 months, she's defied the doctors' predictions again!

"I was in complete shock," a delighted Jennifer told OK! Magazine. "I've had really bad ovarian cysts, and the doctors said I wouldn’t be able to conceive again – then this happens!”

Jennifer's said she's keen to find out her 3rd baby’s sex and, despite having 2 boys already, she's admitted she has a sneaky preference for another boy.

She's planning a ‘gender reveal’ baby shower once she's had the scan that will tell her if it's a boy or a girl. "It’s where you cut into a cake," she says, "and the sponge will either be pink or blue – and that’s how everyone finds out!"

Congratulations, Jennifer!

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Jennifer Ellison on post-natal depression
