Kate Garraway has bravely spoken out about her desire to have a third child post 40, and the emotional, moral and health concerns she faces.


Sharing her personal battle with the Daily Mail, Kate ponders that while she is desperate to have a third child, she knows she’s lucky and should accept her place in the mother-menopause limbo.

Kate writes, “Am I selfish to want to add to my family? I know millions of people will say I am. Why can I not just be thankful for the children I’m blessed with?”

At 45, Kate’s doctor told her that not only was her chance of conceiving low, but if she did get pregnant, the risks would be great.

“I feel I’m stranded in limbo between fecund motherhood and the menopause… what about the purgatory we women in our mid-40s endure? No-one speaks about that… I hover in a no-man’s land,” Kate continues.

Kate believes she has unfinished business when it comes to being a mum. “A third baby would clinch it: I’d do it properly; savour every precious second of those early years without worrying about whether I was going it right. In fact, I’d be a perfect mum, juggling home life and work with consummate ease,” Kate says.

But Kate knows her position, surrounded by stories of failed IVF and miscarriages. She adds, “My rational mind knows I am blessed. [Many women] would doubtless consider me pathetically self-absorbed and spoilt. And on some levels, I concede that I am.”

What do you think? Is Kate selfish to want more children at 45?


