Kate Silverton puts baby daughter through an 'assault course'!
Proud newsreader reveals how her little one is learning new skills

BBC news presenter Kate Silverton and husband Mike Heron have taught their 13-month-old daughter Clemency to forward roll by using an ‘assault course’ made of tunnels created by pillows.
Speaking about Clemency after her christening, hubby Mike said, “I set up assault courses on the landing with pillows to form tunnels. She’s not walking yet so she crawls through them. She’s very clever and alert.”
Revealing how quickly his little girl is learning new things, he added: “She can already say words like “mama”, “dada”, “dog” and “duck” and understands us and responds with nods, shakes of the head and chuckles.”
New mum Kate, who was told she was unlikely to conceive naturally and underwent IVF treatments four times, added: “She’s also very inquisitive, like me, and very active.”
Speaking to Hello! magazine, the doting mum said she was considering expanding her family: “We’d love another child, but if it doesn’t happen we’d be overjoyed to adopt a brother or sister for Clemency.”