Of course, it's pretty damn hard to choose your due date exactly ?


Though we have read some intriguing stories about people who've tried to - like the mum who went to great lengths to ensure a Take That birthday for her little one.

And we've heard it said that there's a reason why more people conceive in December than any other month - and it's NOT the Christmas parties and cuddling to keep warm in winter.

Nope, apparently it's all part of a plan to ensure you have a child who's one of the older ones in the school year.

In fact, the surge in September babies is so real, a midwife recently tweeted asking people to stop having sex at Christmas because the birth wards are so busy come the autumn.

But that's exactly what former Eternal singer Kelle Bryan told us she did, when she popped into MFM HQ as a special guest judge on our annual product awards.

"My children are a week apart birthday-wise," she confessed. "We planned the babies as we know when we wanted to have them – we wanted them to be older in their school class - so we have a September baby and an October baby."

Nice one, Kelle ?

Funnily enough, we know other celebs have planned when to have their babies - Davina McCall, for example, has 3 September babies, all, she says, to fit in with the Big Brother calendar.

On the other hand, some of us make plans that don't quite work out. One mum on the MFM team hoped for a September baby - but her little one came 3 weeks early and is now the youngest in her school class. She's doing just fine, though!

And, of course, plenty of us didn't plan at all and simply went with the flow. All good, too ?

What do you think?

Did you plan to have your baby at a certain time of year? And did it work out? Tell us in the comments below or over on Facebook

Image: Instagram/Kelle Bryan

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
