Kimberley Walsh admits her marriage 'revolves' around her kids Bobby and Cole
Are you on the same page as the former Girls Aloud singer when it comes to relationships and parenting?

We don’t talk a lot about partnerships and marriages here at MFM HQ – just because we know that every relationship is completely different.
But we were a bit struck by mum-of-2 Kimberley Walsh’s recent comment on her 14-year relationship with Justin Scott, whom she married in 2016.
The ex-Girls Aloud star admitted to the Daily Mail that she’s happy for their partnership to revolve completely around their young sons, Bobby and Cole.
Why? Because they’d been together so long they’d kind of… done everything else ?
"I remember when you could just pop out for dinner or spend time reading a book," she laughed.
"But because my husband and I have been together for so long we've done all the holidays and had plenty of time for just the two of us, so we were ready to be selfless and now everything revolves around them [the children].”
This line of thinking realllly made us wonder – how common is it to be comfortable with having little or no ‘we time’ once the kids come along? And to have everything focus around your children?
After all, we all know the benefits of a little ‘me time’ (even if it’s something as simple as having a private wee and a solo shower).
Does the same apply when it comes to relationships?
Perhaps it really does depend on the length of your relationship, and the kind of things you did pre-kids...
Each to their own, but we reckon we're somewhere in the middle on this one. It can be nice to shine the spotlight on us as a couple every once in a while.
Even if we are just going on a date somewhere we've been before ?
Have your say
Have you and your partner settled on having everything revolve around the kids? Or do you prefer to balance romance and parenting in a different way?
No right or wrong answer, we’re just curious! We’d love to hear your thoughts on Facebook, or in the comments below
Images: Instagram/Kimberley Walsh
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