Lidl bans junk food at the checkouts
Budget supermarket removes temptation for children

You’re in the long queue for the till, trying to keep your toddler’s hands from grabbing the sweets he’s started nagging for.
Something has to give… the pester power is too strong!
But now this dilemma could soon be a thing of the past as Lidl has become the first supermarket to ban sweet treats from its checkouts.
Instead, the supermarket will display healthy snacks at the checkouts in an effort to get children to eat healthily.
The move follows a campaign to remove junk food from checkouts that started in September.
According to the supermarket’s figures, 68% of parents were pestered by their children for chocolates at the checkout.
Following a successful trial in December, sweets and chocolates will be replaced with healthy alternatives at all of Lidl’s 600 stores from January 2014.
Could this be the end of pestering at the tills? Do you think it would make a difference to your child’s snack choices?
Let us know in the comments below!
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