Awwww, these comments are just ? ?


But we’re SO glad that 9-year-old Eoin has the chance to tell his story on an upcoming episode of BBC 2’s The World According To Kids.

The Gloucester-born boy has dwarfism, and he and his mum have opened up to the show about realising he had the condition, and how Eoin tries his best to keep up with his friends.

"When he first realised, he was three,” his mum told the programme.

“I was in the bathroom getting ready and I turned around and he was behind me, with his head in his hands sobbing. He said, 'I don't want to be little.'

“He doesn’t want anyone to think he’s a baby.”

Far from it! Now at the age of 9, Eoin’s trying not to let his dwarfism keep him from living the life he wants - even if it scares him, and he has to occasionally use a wheelchair when his legs start hurting from walking.

“I want to be able to do things my friends do.

"One time we went rock climbing, we went to the adult section, and there were these huge really tall towers and my friend was up there in two seconds, and was like, 'Come and look at this view', but I couldn't as I was too scared.

"When I just think about seeing people in wheelchairs and everyone stares at them, I don't want that to happen to me."

Sitting in the chair for the first time, he asks his mum if he looks weird. She says no, of course not. And cheekily, he calls her out on it, saying: “You have to say that, you’re my mum”

We still reckon she’s telling you the truth, Eoin ?


Image: BBC via The Mirror

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