Morrisons slammed over 'sexist' kids t-shirt range
What do you make of the slogans on these tees?

Twitter user Shelley Roche-Jacques recently called out a couple of t-shirts on sale at supermarket Morrisons – for peddling gender stereotypes.
“Looking 4 kids' holiday clothes this morning @Morrisons,” she wrote. “Didn't buy anything. I see you don't think much of girls…”
The grey t-shirts look innocent enough until you read their slogans.
The boys shirt, in blue writing, reads: little man, big ideas. While the girls shirt, in pink writing, counters: little girl, big smiles.
Quickly, others agreed with Shelley that these tees really missed the mark, calling the slogans “sexist” for implying that girls should look happy and pretty, while boys should become thinkers and doers.
“I love @Morrisons - I work right next to the Chalk Farm store, and shop there 4 my boys almost every day. But disappointed by this,” wrote a mum named Martina.
However, many felt complaining about it was unnecessary, and that no child’s potential to have ‘big ideas’ would ever be influenced by the words on a t-shirt.
Morrisons have yet to officially comment on the range, though they did respond on Twitter:
“Hi Martina, girls t-shirts with slogans like these are very popular with our customers...”
Look, we like to think we’re pretty reasonable, and we don’t like to get our pitchforks out often (we don’t even keep them in the office).
But we are a little surprised that no one thought a ‘little girl, big ideas’ tee would be a nice complement to boys shirt.
Or that ‘little boy, big smiles’ could also be a big seller, too.
Image: Twitter/Shelley
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