A mum who had three tattoos – one for each of her children – has had her inking altered in support of her son.


You see, Lindsay Peace's 15-year-old son Ace is transgender and doesn’t identify as being female. So the mum of 3 had her tattoo of Ace wearing a pink dress and pigtails altered so that he's now wearing shorts, a blue T-shirt and cropped hair.

Out and about with three young boys, Lindsay said strangers would often ask who the little girl in the tattoo was. The family often joked it was a neighbour – but now, a year since Ace came out as being a transgender boy, Lindsay decided it was time to change her tattoo.

"We weren't surprised," Peace said about Ace's coming out. "As parents, you say, 'Whatever makes you happy,' and we've seen him become happier and happier as time goes on, which makes us happy."

Initially, Ace asked his mum to remove the girly tattoo of him. But dad Steve Peace, a tattoo artist, suggested changing the original tattoo instead.

The detail of the new inking is incredible. As well as the complete outfit and hair change Steve even managed to change a purple bow at the top of the dress into a slingshot poking out of the boy's T-shirt.

Photo: Twitter / Calgary AB

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