How lovely it is to read stories like this one ?


Canadian mum Sheza Hasan has praised an anonymous stranger who left a box full of hijab-wearing dolls outside her house.

The 25 soft toys were accompanied by a personal note, which read:

"Dear Sheza, I noticed that dolls wearing hijabs seem to be hard to find, so I made 25 simple ones. Not being part of the muslim community myself, I'm not sure who to give them to, but I thought you might...

"Thank you for all you do, and for being the wonderful person you are."

Sheza, who is Muslim and wears a hijab, took to Facebook to share her thoughts about the gesture. She added:

"Between being told by strangers to 'go back to my effing country' and 'eff you, terrorist', this warmed my heart and reminded me that there are ALWAYS more good people out there than the other kind.

"Some gestures touch you deep into your soul. This was one of those for me. For some one to recognise me, my religion, and to give us agency herein.

"I felt acknowledged. And accepted. And welcomed."

She also told CBC Canada: "As opposed to giving it to one child, I'd like for [these dolls] to reach a lot of kids.

"Even if a lot of kids can't play with it, as long as they can see it in a public sphere - where they can see a doll representing them, something they can identify with. That's the plan."

A great plan, indeed! ???

Images: Facebook/Sheza Hasan

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