Mum gives birth on Twitter – could this be a new trend on the horizon?
Woman updates her fans on Twitter with 104 tweets during her labour!

Most women reach for the gas and air or their partner’s hand during the throes of labour, but for Rachael Ince, she was reaching out for her iPhone so that could tweet about giving birth.
Twitter mad Rachael, 29, from Leicester, was so dedicated to keeping her fans updated on her pregnancy, she sent 104 tweets. Detailing every step of her labour and right up until she went home three days after she welcomed son Ethan.
Rachael started tweeting when she was 39 weeks and two days and shared her journey to the hospital in the snow, her anxious wait for her contractions to speed up and her dramatic entrance into the delivery room.
“I use Twitter a lot. I use it for my personal life and the birth was a pretty major event in my life,” Rachael said, reports the Daily Mail. “I thought it might be a good way to document what happened and how I was feeling during the birth.”
Talking about her contractions, Rachael tweeted, “Let’s keep this up baby. Well, less pain and get out quickly please.” Then when she arrived at the hospital, “Just arrived. Of course it all feels less intense now. Hope they don’t send me home.”
Then a few hours later, Rachael’s contractions seem to be getting more frequent, as she tweeted, “Ohh I actually groaned during that contraction – things are looking up!” However, hours later Rachael’s tweets slowed down after she has to be rushed into the delivery room after her son’s heartbeat dipped.
After baby Elliot was born, Rachael was again tweeting her experiences. “Midwife, ‘would you like any painkillers?’ Me: ‘YES please’”. She even shared her breastfeeding woes, “Everytime the baby latches onto feed, he pulls the same face I would pull if someone put a spoonful of Marmite in my mouth. How rude!”
Rachael isn’t the first mum to tweet throughout her labour and birth, fellow social networker Sara Morishige Williams did last year and Fi-Star Stone this year. It’s not just us mere mortals who love to tweet baby news, the celebrities are at it, too!