Mum puts on full face of makeup while in labour
Contouring between contractions – that's one way to focus…

When you're in labour the last thing on your mind is probably what you look like.
You may have packed a makeup bag with lip balm and waterproof mascara, but when it comes to it – how many of us actually use them?
But for New York-based makeup artist Alaha Majid, putting on her makeup was a big part of her pre-birth ritual.

"Yes, I was doing my makeup while I was in labour! ???," she commented on Instagram, sharing pictures.
"I was pausing during contractions and picking up where I left off once the contractions passed."
She then went on to name a whopping 12 products she used – including fake eyelashes and an eyebrow kit.

But she didn't do it all alone – her husband was on hand to take over when things got too intense.
"When the contractions got too strong, hubby was there to save the day!????," she commented.
And here's the result – Alaha's first picture with her baby daughter Sofia. And she's fully made up.
"Yes, I went full glam lol," she admitted, describing her natural birth. "I had a natural birth so it was tough, but I'm lucky enough to have been able to experience it firsthand and am so grateful," she said.
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