Mia Redworth has struck a chord with mums everywhere, after a sharing a ‘reality check’ photo of her post-baby tum.


Instagrammer Mia - from the North of England - welcomed son Ethan over a year ago.

And she’s not afraid to share her post-baby body reality, amongst some of her self-confessed ‘posed' photos.

In a recent snap, Mia shows her ‘bloated' stomach in all its glory, and reveals she has a small ‘tummy pouch’ from her caesarean.

Here’s what she wrote beside it:

REALITY CHECK ✖️bloated vs posing ✖️

No one is perfect, I have stretch marks from carrying a baba for 42 weeks, a little tummy pouch from a emergency c- section, I have eczema from stress on my stomach and spend most of my time looking like the picture of the left!

"No awful teas that promise the world can fix this, humans just get bloated! It's totally normal and fine to look like this.

"Stop thinking everyone on Instagram looks like how they do in pictures 24/7 because 98% of the time they've taken 100 pictures and picked the best one to upload.

"Stop being so harsh on your bodies. You're gorgeous and perfect with your imperfections, a bloated belly or while you're posing looking your best.

"Self love is the most important thing to give yourself so stop fighting it ❤️

"#bodypositive #fitmum#realitycheck #postpartum#postpartumfitness #csection”


We couldn’t agree more with her message here - and we always think it’s really powerful when mums and mums-to-be share these pics, because, it makes us feel a bit less alone ?

Mia also recently shared another pic we reckon mums out there will just get.

mia skirt

It shows her trying on a smaller-sized skirt from her pre-baby days, which no longer seems to fit.

She writes that she’s not so bothered about the fact that it doesn’t quite squeeze on the way it used to, and that’s she much happier now than she’s ever been.

We’re glad to hear it ?

Images: Instagram/Mia Redworth

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