Mum-to-be pregnant with quads and she wasn’t even trying
Four babies are on the way for mum who only found out she was pregnant at 17 weeks

A woman has found out she is expecting not one, but four, babies. Amazingly, there’s only a 1 in 700,000 chance of naturally falling pregnant with quadruplets and the mum-to-be and partner weren’t even trying!
Adele Jelley, 24, is said to be expecting two identical boys, another boy and a girl. Being unaware she was pregnant, Adele didn’t find out until she had her first scan at 17 weeks.
Twins apparently run in partner Gary Gorman’s family, but the news still came as quite shock to their pair – no wonder! A nurse from the hospital, in Newcastle’s Royal Victoria Infirmary, even kept a photo of the scan as it was so unique, reports claim.
Risk of complications with this type of multiple pregnancy are high and Adele will now have fortnightly scans to ensure the babies are developing well and are healthy.
A caesarean has reportedly been planned for March and the birth of the four babies will bulk their brood up to a total of six children. Mia, Gary and Adele’s first child together, and Laquita, from Gary’s previous relationship.