Embracing your mum-bod can be difficult, especially if you notice there’s been an irreversible change post-baby.


For one mummy Instagrammer, Chillin With Children, her personal bug to bear was her self-described ‘saggy belly skin’.

Made worse in the summer, it seems, when it’s time to hit the beach or the pool, and we have to ask ourselves the age-old question: am I confident enough to rock a bikini, rather than a one-piece, now that my body’s changed?

In an inspiring Instagram post, the mum of 3 revealed she wasn’t going to cover up her tum just for the sake of it.

Instead, she was going to accept her lot for what it was, and whack out her bikini anyway...

"We went swimming for the first time yesterday,” she began.

“And when I put on my suit to make sure it fits (because it didn't last summer) I had realised I had forgotten about my really bad saggy belly skin and crazy amounts of stretch marks.

"I was faced with a decision to start the summer self-conscious or embrace the fact I've been blessed with the opportunity to create and carry life 3 separate times. “

"Not all women's bellies get jacked like mine and it does make me sad (yes my tummy gets a lot of looks). But it is what it is.

"I can be embarrassed and have a messed up tummy or accept it and have a messed up tummy. The outcome is my choice.

"There are 100s and 100s of women who would give up their perfect stomachs in return to have what I have, without thinking twice about it.

"So I won't think twice about it either.”


Here at MFM HQ, this blunt message of self-acceptance really caught our eye, and we have to totally respect it ❤️

We reckon the reality is that we care about how we look in a bikini far more than anyone else on the beach does, so it’s best to just go whatever makes you feel the most comfortable and confident this summer.

Have your say

Are you keen to wear your bikini, irrespective of your post-baby stomach? Or do you feel your best in a one-piece swimsuit?

We’d love to hear your story on Facebook, or in the comments below.

Images: Instagram/Chillin With Children

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