Mum's ad for second-hand baby stuff is so honest it’s gone viral
'Babies are expensive and seriously high maintenance'

A mum selling her old baby stuff online wrote the most honest advert ever – and it's gone viral.
Candice Devinney says she "acquired this trove of baby items" to accommodate her brother's baby because "babies are expensive and seriously high maintenance". "I wanted that squishy little chunk of baby at my house all the time," she admits.
But now the baby's outgrown the cot, highchair and other items, Candice has decided to sell them online, on American site Craigslist (it’s a bit like Gumtree).
"Said junk has served me well, and now it's time to pass it on so my offspring can have all the ridiculously expensive electronic gadgets they think Santa is bringing them for Christmas," she said.
But she was pretty frank when it came to describing the items…

"A little bouncy chair that vibrates. It used to have a tray, but the tray was poorly designed and didn't detach so I may or may not have hulked it off in a fit of rage. Free with the purchase of the rest of the lot, on account of all the rage."
"A walker, handy for those times when your baby is bored from sitting around doing nothing useful all afternoon and you feel like you really haven't bashed your Achilles quite enough in the last few days and you're jonesin for a fix. $15"
"A Pack n Play, which absolutely does *not* accommodate a 24-year-old heavily intoxicated man, so don't bother trying. Babies sleep here just fine though. $40"
"A plastic rocking horse, which has been ridden exactly one time by a guy I work with as he tried hitting on me by saying "I ride many things well" and giving me wiggly eyebrows, and has been ridden by the baby exactly zero times. (I have also ridden wiggly-eyebrows coworker exactly zero times if you care to keep count.) $10"
Would you be tempted by any of these items?
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