MadeForMums is so, so lucky in that, as well as having an amazing Facebook community - we have a fabulous forum too, where mums and mums to be share all sorts of incredible stories and photos.


And when we saw this pic - in our September Toddlers 2016 group - we did a bit of a double take.

It shows a beautiful dress that one of our mums, known as Michellegixxersmrs on the forum, has had made to mark her daughter's first birthday.

We got in touch to find out a bit more about it, and she told us:

"My husband and I are very different and like to be different. I have my kids the same and they like to stand out from the crowd ?

"I had seen memory blankets and had never seen a dress like it until I came across tutuillyscrumptious. I decided I didn't want a blanket but the dress.

"Choosing the photos was hard work I think at the start I had 100+ I wanted. I managed to pick out the cute, the funny and special photos to be put on the dress.

"(With very much stress) the dress is for her 1st birthday in just over 3 weeks.

"They say memories last a life time and with this dress they sure will, as it's one to be kept and put in her memory box and now we will always have the photos :)"

? ? ? ?

Well, we have to say, we adore this dress - so much so we decided to check out the makers.

They're a mum and daughter duo from Blackpool. We checked them out on Facebook to see what else they do, and there really is some amazing stuff there...


We're in love! ?

We've also been advised you can pay for the dresses in instalments - particularly handy, if, like our forum mum, you have 3 daughters.

Alas, according to their Facebook page, they only go up to age 10 - so if you were thinking of bagging one for yourself it's a no-go ?

Images: Michellegixxersmrs / Tutuillyscrumptious on Facebook

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
