Mums who multi-tasked even when they gave birth
Mums all know labour isn’t the easiest thing in the world, but these five mums took birth in their stride in rather amazing ways…

Mum gives birth while driving
Mum Amanda was driving herself to hospital, when her waters broke on the way and her baby decided he couldn’t wait any longer.
Dad Joseph Sr, who doesn’t drive because of his history of seizures, had to grab the steering wheel as Amanda gave birth sitting on the seat.
We should also mention that GM Motors, who make the Chevrolet Cobalt car that become the couple’s impromptu labour ward, gave them a year’s supply of nappies, two car seats and a buggy.

Mum delivers her own baby and then does the school run
Whilst doing the laundry, mum Kelly realised the pain she felt was the start of labour…even though she hadn’t known she was pregnant again! Kelly gave birth alone at home, cut the cord then rather than call for support, she did the school-run to collect her 7-year-old son.
Dad Ronnie was no doubt surprised when he got home that evening…
Check out the full story of Kelly’s birth (and post-birth errands) in our news report.

Mum-to-be becomes a bride and has her baby on the same day
Bride Jamie Phillips really did have a wedding day to remember. She walked down the aisle, even though she felt her contractions starting. Jamie put it down as a false alarm. Her waters broke at the wedding reception, and she gave birth in her wedding dress.
For more about the wedding birth, check out our full report.

Woman gives birth at Glastonbury and returns to party with her baby
Heavily pregnant Victoria Iremonger found herself in labour soon after arriving at Glastonbury and pitching the tent. Her waters had broken well before her due date, and while she was keen to give birth there, medical staff convinced her to head to a nearby hospital.
Victoria’s first baby arrived Thursday evening at the hospital, and the new mum, partner and newborn headed back to enjoy the fun!
You can read more about Glastonbury’s youngest festival-goer in our original news story.

Mum gives birth at 70 mph, but not before dropping the kids off
As mum Charlotte and her husband were driving to a birthday party with their other children, Isabella, 5, India, 3 and Imogen, 1, Charlotte went into labour. Overestimating how much time they had, the couple dropped the kids off at their aunt’s place, and then headed for the hospital.
Whilst driving at 70mph, their fourth child made his appearance. “Richard said, ‘You can’t have the baby in the car!’ I managed to wriggle out of my jeans just as Ignatius shot out. It happened so fast I still had my seatbelt on!” said Charlotte.