Former Atomic Kitten singer Natasha Hamilton might have four kids by four different dads, but she stands by her decisions despite being labeled a '4x4' mum. Natasha, 32, says she ignores the jibes and although it's not a situation she would have chosen, it's for the best.


"I do get people saying nasty things because my children have different dads,” Natasha told the Mirror. "But I feel I would have been a worse mum staying in relationships that were detrimental to me and my children’s happiness.

"Sometimes you have to walk away. I stand by all my decisions and feel I made the right ones."


But she admits that it's difficult when her children hear something negative. "They can hear negative things and sometimes other children can be cruel," she said. "I say to them, 'Don’t take it in, people will say nasty things because they want to hurt you but it’s just words'.

"They know what’s happened in my life. I don’t keep secrets from them and I think now Josh and Harry are a little older, they’re starting to understand some of the tough positions I’ve ended up in."

Natasha had her oldest child Josh – now 12 – with nightclub owner Fran Cosgrave who was a bodyguard for Westlife, but they split shortly after Josh was born. Then, she met dancer Gavin Hatcher on tour and was with him for 2 years, during which time they had son Harry, 10. Then, Natasha married businessman Riad Erraji and after a miscarriage, gave birth to son Alfie, 4.


After splitting with Riad in 2013, Natasha bumped into Ritchie Neville, of boyband 5ive while filming ITV's The Big Reunion. They now have 8-month-old daughter Ella.

"I feel I’ve lived a million lives," the mum-of-4 admits. "Is it what I wanted out of my life? No, of course not. But I have my lovely sons and now a daughter and you just have to stop dragging the baggage of the past around with you and move on."

But Natasha hopes this time love will last. "I hope with all my heart this time it’s for ever and the happy-ever-after ending I’ve always wanted," she said.

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