Here at MFM HQ, we've seen a fair few stories lately about couples keeping their pregnancy a secret from their families for longer and longer.


We even read one story where a couple from Hawaii didn't tell their parents anything about the fact they were having a baby until they arrived at their mum and dad's house WITH the newborn.

And, we have to say, our feelings are a little mixed.

There's no denying that the surprised faces caught on camera look genuine enough, but a few of us on the team said we'd actually be a bit gutted if, say, someone close like a sister didn't tell us she was pregnant the whole time she was expecting - despite the fact we'd probably have spoken to her quite a few times in the 9 months leading up to her having a baby.

And so this story really got us talking - mainly because the person being kept in the dark about the baby-to-be was the DAD ?

Natasha Daugherty, from San Diego, posted a video showing her greeting husband Chris, a Navy Petty Officer, along with their 3 children as he returned from being away for 6 months.

Natasha can be seen with a sign that reads: 'Welcome Home Baby Daddy', held in front of her 8-month baby bump.


Alongside the video she's written: "Here it is! The moment he sees the baby bump.

"He's so confused and in disbelief lol, asked if it was real and poked the belly ? ? so funny! I cried lol"


We have to say, dad Chris looks genuinely delighted, and the vid got loads of positives responses on Facebook.

"Brought tears to my eyes!!! Congrats to you guys!!" said one commenter. Another agreed: "I love this SO much!!!!! His reaction is priceless!!! Tears over here too!!"


We're just not sure we could keep something like that secret from our partners for that long - and we wonder if he might have preferred to be in on the pregnancy news a bit sooner?

Though we we have to say too that the smiles and hugs do suggest he's utterly delighted with the surprise.

Congrats guys ?

Images: Natasha Daugherty on Facebook

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
