New childcare voucher changes: what you think
Yesterday news broke that working parents will qualify for up to £1,200 per year per child by 2015. Here's your response

The Government has announced that by Autumn 2015 households where both parents work will qualify for up to £1,200 per year per child in childcare vouchers. Initially parents of children under the age of five will benefit with plans that it will rise over time to cover households with children under the age of 12. You said...
- "It's a bit late, but at least it will help people if it does happen," says Moon Bunny Stacey Hutchins via Facebook.
- "Ha ha, love this! 2015 - bl**dy jokers," says Sabrina Neely via Facebook.
- "Hooray, finally a benefit for parents who work... 2015 means 'we can still allow time to scrap it if the budget f**ks up," says Rich Parsons via Facebook.
- "Don't get why this goverment is so keen on helping people who already work etc. What about those who have been made redundant because the companies gone into admin or closed down? Also what about those on long term sickness?" says Claire Shuttlewood via Facebook.
- "Now I know it isn't an automatic right that we should get child benefit but that money paid for some of the clothes, shoes, uniform etc and not on booze, fags and rubbish.We used it wisely child benefit hence used for the children, so along come the government now and say people who earn up to £150,000 could be entitled to childcare relief even if it's both parents is that? Well that makes me cross, I'm not saying that the lower earning people shouldn't get help, but once you reach a certain income if both parents work they don't need childcare relief or even if just one parent works and earns over a certain amount they still don't need it. Before I get bombarded I take into account single parent workers etc and that's not an issue, but they take away with one hand and yet are quite happy to say they will help out with childcare costs in another, what's the difference if they didn't stop the child benefit for a lot of hard workers they wouldn't need to to find childcare relief as we'd already have it. I don't get the government and never will," says Wendy Platten O'Neil via Facebook.
- "I was on a care course last year and the main problem people had with work or getting jobs was childcare and if childcare was in place and reasonable charges then folks would work, says Clive Chapman via Facebook.
- "Great idea, shame they're not bringing it in any earlier," says Amy Fuller via Facebook.
- "Seen as i pay my tax and have done for the last 18 years and never claimed benefits, i think its about time the government started helping out families who have to work to be be able to afford to pay their way!! And not just expect to get everything paid for them in the way of benefits. I think its a great idea, its a shame its not happening sooner but any help offered to average joe in the uk in this day and age is a bonus and shouldnt be knocked," says Laura O'Dell via Facebook.