Actress Nicole Kidman has opened up about her divorce from Tom Cruise and the hardship she faced when trying to conceive.


Speaking to Who magazine about her marriage to Tom, Nicole said, “I got married really fast and really young. But I don’t regret that because it got me Bella and Connor (Tom and Nicole’s adopted children)."

Nicole, who’s now married to country singer Keith Urban added, “I’m amazed that I have been a mother for so much of my life now. It’s odd, but because of them I don’t feel 45. All my kids are highlights of my life. They are all of my biggest joys.”

Nicole and Keith have two daughters, Sunday Rose, 4, and Faith Margaret, 1. The Australian born actress explains the difficulties she experienced trying to conceive naturally.

“I had tried and failed and failed. Every woman who has been through all those ups and downs knows the depression that comes with it. So the way it just happened with Sunday was like, ‘What?’ The percentages were so low. It is the miracle in my life," Nicole says.

The pair’s second daughter Faith was born via a surrogate mother.


Just this year fertility expert Professor Robert Winston paid tribute to the mother of the first IVF baby. Kim Kardashian has also revealed that she’d turn to IVF if she can’t get pregnant naturally.
