Nigella Lawson dishes up her thoughts on motherhood
She might appear to be a faultless domestic goddess, but Nigella says being a mum is one big pot of worry

Culinary queen Nigella Lawson has put the potato peeler to one side to talk all things motherhood, and she’s not got it as figured out as one might have thought.
Of course we’re not saying we want to see Nigella Lawson in her sweats crying over a pan of burnt caramel while kids tug on her hair, but it’s rather nice to hear her say she worries as much as the rest of us.
Speaking to the Radio Times Nigella said, “I think it’s impossible to be a mother without a huge sense of failure.
“Not that I think of my children as failures. I think they’re wonderful. But one is always aware of what one isn’t doing right,” Nigella continued.
Nigella, who’s famed for various cookery programmes and books, said people always think the grass is greener when it comes to parenting.
“People who don’t have children imagine that their whole lives would be all right if they had children, but they don’t realise that having children gives you lots of problems; one is in constant worry,” Nigella, who is mum to Cosima, 18, and Bruno, 16, added.
The apparently pristine Nigella seemingly has a scruffy side, too. In reference to her husband Charles Saatchi, Nigella said, “Charles says I turn everything into a student doss house”.
But, at the end of the day, Nigella says, “[My children] make me laugh, and that’s quite important. So I like the people they are.”