Former GMTV host Fiona Phillips bans morning TV for her children.


Fiona, 48, is married to Martin Frizzell, who happens to be the editor-in-chief of GMTV. Her latest comments probably didn’t go down too well with him or ex-GMTV colleagues!

Now a stay-at-mum, Fiona has completely banned morning TV in her house when her children Nathaniel, 10, and Mackenzie, 7, get ready for school. “I won’t let my children watch television in the mornings as I find it really annoying. They turn into zombies, which makes me end up shouting at them to get ready,” the Daily Mail reports her as saying to Reveal magazine.

Although Fiona claims to have enjoyed her time on the GMTV sofa, she is quick to clarify that she has no regrets. “I miss my colleagues but I don’t miss GMTV at all. Leaving was the best decision I have ever made.”


What are you thoughts on morning TV? Is it your saving grace or a big no-no in your house? Let us know below…
