Sonogram slip

Pregnant Holly Madison was keeping the details of her baby’s sex secret - that was until the father Pasquale Rotella shared their baby's sonogram pic. Pasquale said, “Off to Amsterdam and I already miss my girls.” The plural 'girls' says it all Pasquale. Tut, tut!


Over eager

Beyonce and Jay-Z may have gone to incredible lengths to keep the sex, birth and name of their daughter Blue Ivy secret, but they forget to keep a check on Bey’s pal and former bandmate Kelly Rowland. Kelly reportedly got carried away talking to a magazine saying, “I think her dad is gonna give her everything.” That’s you off the Christmas card list Kelly!

She’s the one

Robbie Williams was in the dog house with his wife Ayda long before daughter Theodora Rose was born. Getting carried away at a Soccer Six event Robbie said, “It’s a girl. I’m very, very excited about becoming a daddy, I can’t wait.” Admitting his mistake Rob said, “The Mrs is like, ‘Don’t go telling,’ and I said I won’t.” We think you might have failed there, Rob.

Stealing her thunder

Kourtney Kardashian was probably quite looking forward to being the one to reveal to the world that she’d welcomed a baby girl into the world – she carried her for nine months after all. But her friend had a different idea. A whole five months before Kourtney even gave birth to daughter Penelope Scotland a ‘friend’ told a magazine, “Kourtney was hoping for a girl.”


Blue blunder

Poor January Jones managed to give the game away about her own baby’s sex on a simple shopping trip. After it was reported January gave the pink aisle a miss, speculation was rife that the star was expecting a boy. Just three months later January gave birth to a bouncing baby boy named Xander.
