New dad Owen Wilson has allegedly split up with his girlfriend Jade Duell, the mum of his 6-month-old son, Robert Ford.


Rumours had started to circulate after Owen apparently didn't turn up at his son's christening. An unnamed source reportedly told the National Enquirer that the couple had decided to call it a day.

"Owen wanted the freedom to do what he wanted with his friends, both male and female, while remaining a family unit with Jade and the baby,” explained the source. "But Jade wasn't willing to go along with that, so Owen decided to end things with her."
Owen missed out on his son’s christening earlier this month despite being expected to put in an appearance. Robert Ford was christened in New York, where Jade is alleged to have moved.

“Owen had every intention of being there, but when it came time to board his flight at Los Angeles Airport, he couldn't do it. He left the airport and drove around Santa Monica for hours,” the source continued.

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Is own Wilson jealous of his own baby?


Pic: Helga Esteb /
