Parents wish they had more baby pics
Top regret for mums and dads is not taking more baby photos, according to a poll

A poll into what parents would have done differently about bringing up their babies shows that 63% wish they’d taken more photos.
The poll of 1,872 parents (with children aged between 2 and 4) revealed other top regrets include using a dummy, not breastfeeding, having the baby sleep in the parental bed and rewarding good behaviour with junk food.
The study by photo book website also asked what type of photos they had of their children. Only a third said they had actual physical pictures, while 71% said all their photos were digital and stored on their computers.
Of those with digital pics only, 92% had uploaded baby photos onto social networking sites.
Online conservation website CoOL estimates that more family pictures from the 1920s will survive than from the 1980s. It is suggested that most of us will go through 10 computers over 30 years and it is unlikely that new computers will be able to read current formats.
According to the poll, these are the top “regrets”...
- Wish I’d taken more photos of baby: 63%
- Wish I’d not given baby a dummy: 58%
- Wish I’d moved baby into separate room sooner: 51%
- Wish I’d recorded more videos of baby: 49%
- Wish I’d breastfed: 45%
- Wish I’d not succumbed to cries so easily: 42%
- Wish I’d not let my baby sleep in the same bed as me: 37%
- Wish I’d not rewarded good behaviour with junk food: 36%
- Wish I’d kept track of “firsts”, i.e. first words, first steps: 32%
- Wish I’d socialised my baby more: 29%