A brave cat has proven that moggies can be just as loyal as dogs - by saving its young owner from a vicious dog attack.


In the video, which appears to be CCTV footage, 4-year-old Jeremy is riding his bike on a driveway in California when a dog comes into view.

The dog then viciously runs at the boy, bites into his leg and drags him off his bike.

All of a sudden, as if out of nowhere, the boy’s cat, Tara, flies at the dog. Tara chases the dog away so the boy’s mother can tend to him.

Dad Roger Triantafilo commented: "My cat defends my son during a vicious dog attack and runs the dog off before he can do additional damage. Thankfully, my son is fine!"

He added: "I've never seen a cat do that. Especially ours. It just shows how much she really has a family-oriented mind set."

Tara made sure the dog had been fully chased away before returning to check on her owner. Jeremy suffered deep bite wounds in his leg, and had stitches in hospital, but is fine now.

"Tara is my hero" he later told a TV news crew, sitting stroking a very proud looking cat.

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