Pet duck teaches 4-year-old how to walk
Cerebral palsy sufferer starts to toddle thanks to his duckling friend

A young cerebral palsy sufferer who was unable to walk has learnt to take his first steps by copying an injured duckling.
Finlay Lomax, 4, suffered a stroke when he was a baby and soon developed cerebral palsy, leaving him unable to walk.
Finlay’s mum Becci has rescued a day-old duckling with a broken leg, and fitted him with a 2cm splint on his leg before nursing him back to health. Finlay was so impressed with Ming Ming the duck’s progress he began to copy his steps, saying, "I walk like the duck, mummy."
“As soon as Ming Ming started physio and began walking, so did Finlay. I was brimming with pride,” said mum Becci, 29.
Finlay and Ming Ming now regularly stroll around the family home in Plymouth together, and Finlay can manage 5 metres at a time using a zimmer frame for help.
Becci has told her son that if he works hard then one day he’ll be able to take Ming Ming for a walk on lead. “That is what he is really working hard towards. The most amazing thing is that, in helping this little duckling, Finlay has also taken his first steps.”