Model and entrepreneur Caprice announced she was pregnant with her first child just last month and has now revealed that she is also expecting another baby by a surrogate mother just 4 weeks before she is due herself.


Caprice, 41, has revealed the couple used a surrogate mother to carry their child, just weeks before before learning that she was expecting herself naturally.

The surrogate mother is due to give birth in August with Caprice due just four weeks later.

It has been reported that Caprice told The Sun: 'Words can’t describe our happiness when we knew we were expecting two miracle babies.'

She went to say: ‘The thrilled model added: 'Like every career woman I worked so hard at being successful I left it a little late.

'But then to fall pregnant after our gestational carrier did was a miracle.'

Caprice and millionaire partner Ty, 46, who have been together since 2011 and turned to a surrogate mother after they struggled to conceive naturally.


