A new website has launched in a bid to help grannies, godparents, uncles and aunties buy appropriate presents for children.


The Wicked Uncle Club lets users select a prize band, gender and age range and then handles the rest, including gift wrapping and handwritten greeting cards with experts on stand-by to write in the scrawl of young or old senders.

The new launch comes after The Wicked Uncle Club found 76% of adults admitted they had forgotten a child’s birthday.

It also polled responses of children who had been given bizarre or inappropriate pressies on birthdays. Our favourite replies are:

“Colouring book and pencils - I was thirteen!”

“A bottle of shampoo from Grandma with the raffle ticket still attached.”

“A handmade balaclava”

‘A guinea pig toy sewing kit. I wanted a guinea pig.”

“A hip flask - I was nine.”

Promising a range of gifts you won’t find on the high street, check out www.wickeduncle.co.uk for more info.


What’s the worse gift you’ve ever been given? Share your horror stories below…
