You might know 34-year-old actress Roxy Shahidi best as Leyla Harding in Emmerdale.


But soon she’ll be known to a little one as ‘mum’ – as she’s just revealed she’s pregnant with her 1st child, a baby girl.

After she and husband Arsher Ali began trying, Roxy was lucky enough to conceive just a few weeks later, she exclusively told OK magazine!

However, her co-star Charley Webb sussed that they’d been successful… well before Roxy had even taken her pregnancy test.

"It's weird as Charley actually told me she thought I was pregnant before I did the test," Roxy shared with the mag.

"We had been working together and she called me when I got home and said my boobs gave it away.”

Hubby (of 7 years) Arsher guessed too – though perhaps the sign he spotted was a tad more obvious!

"Arsher also guessed too because one day I had a sudden craving for Hula Hoops, which isn't something I'd usually eat!"

We reckon some people have almost a tingly spider sense when it comes to noticing these things ?

Remember when Kimberley Walsh said that she could just tell she was expecting baby no 2 before taking a test, too?

That said: odd cravings and, ahem, bigger (i.e. sore, full) boobs, are 2 pretty well-known early signs and symptoms of pregnancy.

Have your say

Did anyone you know guess your pregnancy before you’d found out? Perhaps you knew a friend was expecting before they did?

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Image: OK!

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