Though the age gap between your little ones is often down to fate rather than meticulous planning, some of us still can’t help but have a preference for what it should be.


Some of us think the ‘perfect’ gap means really close together in age, perhaps so the little ones are inclined to become the best of friends - whereas others fancy a wider gap for a multitude of reasons.

Star of ITVBe’s The Mummy Diaries, Sam Faiers, admits she’s got a very specific idea of the age gap there should be between her now 18-month-old son Paul, and any future children she may have.

"We do want a big family, and when Billie [Faiers] had her second baby, Arthur, it made me broody," she told the MailOnline.

"It made me all 'ohhh I want a newborn!' But I think there should be a 3/4 year age gap between my children."

"We are really just enjoying Baby Paul right now!”

Fair enough ?

While there are benefits and drawbacks whatever the gap between your kids, a slightly longer one in Sam’s case would mean that no-longer-baby Paul would be able to understand the concept of a new arrival a bit more - plus she could enjoy some bonding time with her future newborn while Paul’s at school.

With luck, the difference in stages might offset any rivalry or jealousy, too.

One can only hope, whatever the gap ends up being ?

Have your say

Do you feel the same as Sam or would you prefer a closer gap? Perhaps you’ve already had all your children - what’s the gap between them and what were the benefits?

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Image: Instagram/Sam Faiers

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