Actress Sandra Bullock is allegedly eyeing up the possibility of sending her 18-month-old adopted son Louis to the same French-speaking school as Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's children. Baby Louis just has to learn the lingo first...


According to sources, reports Showbiz Spy, 41-year-old Sandra is keen for her son to speak up to three languages when he's older. "Sandra is desperate for Louis to be multilingual," said the source. "Sandra wants the best for Louis and she believes this will give him an advantage later in life."

The Le Lycee Francais school currently educates Angelina and Brad's sons Maddox and Pax, and has schools based in New York and Los Angeles to name a few, so it's perfect for Sandra's jet-set lifestyle when filming.

Sandra can't enroll Louis into pre-school until he is 3, so to get him started before then, Sandra is rumoured to be looking to hire a French-speaking nanny. Looks like Louis is going to one busy pre-schooler!

