A 9-year-old boy saved his mum’s life by blowing raspberries on her stomach to wake her up, after discovering her lying unconscious on the floor.


Alfie Groves, from Cornwall, found his mum Michelle mysteriously passed out after coming in from the garden. Little Alfie initially thought she was pretending and did what he knew his ticklish mum would hate – he blew raspberries on her stomach. But when Michelle didn’t react and began vomiting, he knew something was seriously wrong.

“I tried to get my phone to call my husband, but as I was ringing him I passed out,” said mum Michelle, reports the Mirror.

“Alfie was blowing raspberries on my stomach because he knows I hate it.”

Alfie then drew on his first aid training and put Michelle in the recovery position until help arrived.

“I kept trying to get her to talk,” said Alfie.

The young hero, who was previously on a lifeguard training course, will be awarded a special prize for his quick thinking during a special assembly at his school.

“We tell them you never know when it could happen. You keep fingers crossed that they’ll never need to use it,” said Nick Jones, Alfie’s lifeguard instructor.

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