Country singer Sheryl Crow has revealed she would love to go through pregnancy but doesn’t think it’s necessarily vital to raising a family, reports Showbiz Spy.


Sheryl, 48, adopted her first child Wyatt, now 3, when she was recovering from breast cancer in 2007. Earlier this year, Sheryl added to her family by adopting a 5-month-old boy she named Levi.

“I would have loved to have gone through the whole experience of pregnancy myself - and it’s not impossible that that couldn’t happen still - but I didn’t feel like I needed to bring another kid into the world just to satisfy my own needs to become a mom when there were already so many kids in the world that needed one,” said Sheryl.

Sheryl’s only adoption requirement was that the process would be private, meaning the natural parents would receive no information about her.

“I said I would take whichever baby I was supposed to have. My philosophy was that souls find each other; you don’t end up with the wrong child,” Sheryl explained.


Sheryl added, "It would be extremely hard for a mother to watch the child she gave away then grow up in the magazines.”
