After it was revealed that 65% of Italian women regularly drank alcohol while pregnant, the Italian Institute of Health has gone to extreme lengths to spread the message that it is dangerous with this blunt ad campaign.


The new campaign, which shows a tiny foetus in the bottom of a cocktail glass, appears on buses, billboards, restaurants and even in toilet cubicles in and around the north-east region of Vento, Italy. The cocktail featured in the campaign is one similar to the ‘Spritz’, and is a popular drink within this area, containing a mixture of wine, Campari and sparkling water.

Spreading the simple message, “Mama Beve, Bimbo Beve”, which means “When Mum drinks, Baby drinks”, the ad campaign hopes that it’ll reduce the numbers of women who drink alcohol during their pregnancy. “Having a baby is one of the most important stages in life and it is fundamental for prospective mothers and their families to know how to avoid risks that can compromise the health of the unborn child,” Claudio Dario from the Italian health authority has said.

In the UK, the number of women who drink while pregnant is thought to be even higher than Italy’s figure, up to an estimated 79%. Are you one of the mum’s who had a tipple?


While it’s widely thought that drinking during pregnancy should be avoided for nine months, there is a debate on whether it’s ok to avoid the units, just for the first three months in pregnancy. If you’re still confused, why not check out MFM’s pregnancy guidelines.
