Many of us remember the heartbreak of losing a beloved teddy bear; imagining his little face peering up from an empty bus seat, his paw reaching out as he realises he’s been left behind… we’re welling up just thinking about it.


Now, Center Parcs are to put a stop to these tear-jerking incidents at their holiday villages by introducing a Teddy Tagging service.

Children can pick up teddy tags at the arrival lodges in Center Parcs’ four villages, tie it to their bear’s arm and should they be parted from their furry friend, a swift and safe reunion is practically guaranteed.

During 2012, around 700 bears were lost at Center Parcs with 320 returned to their rightful owner, a figure that could skyrocket thanks to the new scheme.

So we can all sleep a little bit easier at night knowing there will be less abandoned bears in our playparks, alone in an empty dodgem, accidentally thrown in a bin… ahem, excuse us, we just need to grab a tissue.


