How do you fancy a baby-face-shaped wooden box with special little holes for storing your child's teeth in? And their hair. AND their umbilical cord.


Lots of us hang on to baby keepsakes – from that teeny hospital wristband to those first shoes or even a favourite blanket or first teddy.

But a full set of baby teeth is definitely not on everyone's must-keep-as-a-memento list.

So we're fascinated to see this keepsake box doing the rounds on social media – with its labelled compartments for each individual baby tooth.

And it even has spaces to slot in your baby's umbilical cord and lanugo (that's the fine, downy, in-the-womb hair many babies still have some of when they're born).

We spotted it on Facebook page Spend with pennies and we have to say the reaction there has been a tad divided.

"Where was this 17 years ago? I have 40 random teeth that belong to 4 kids," says one fan.

But not everyone was so excited.

"This screams creepy," says another. "If my mum pulled this out and gave it to me when I was older... I would seriously have to think about what else she kept. A toenail box? ? ? ? "

And here at MFM HQ we're pretty divided, too: some of us find it a bit odd but others think it's pretty sweet as baby memento boxes go.

What do you think?

Would you buy this or do you find it a bit strange? Tell us in the comments below or over on Facebook

Oh - and if you do like it - you can get it on Amazon right here

Photo: Amazon

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
