The Twitterview: Michelle Heaton
Singer Michelle Heaton tweets with us about baby Faith, gal pal Katie Price and (ahem) poo...

Currently starring in ITV's the Big Reunion, back in November Michelle Heaton took some time out to have a little Twitter chat with us...
@PPPMAGAZINE: What's your fave thing about being a mum?
@wonderwomanshel: When Faith smiles it melts my heart. I love being responsible for her. It's such a sense of achievement.
@PPPMAGAZINE: What has shocked you the most about being a mum?
@wonderwomanshel: How much they poo, ha ha. I can't get my head around as soon as she eats [she's now on solids] it comes out exactly the same, lol.
@PPPMAGAZINE: Have you had any mummy mishaps?
@wonderwomanshel: Um, yes. Faith has fallen off the bed. It was her first ever roll. So I turned around for a split second and off she rolled. So happy she learnt how to roll... just not ideal off the bed bless her! I was devastated, but I've learnt these things happen, a lot!
@PPPMAGAZINE: What are your mummy must-haves?
@wonderwomanshel: I do think Sudocrem is the best for bums! I've tried them all and this, for me, is the best! And at the moment, Calpol for Faith's [teething] pain.
@PPPMAGAZINE: What's your favourite buggy?
@wonderwomanshel: Chicco by far. I had the I-Move travel system for the first seven months and now Faith's in the stroller, which is great as she's inquisitive and likes to watch everything. It also lies flat when she wants to sleep.
@PPPMAGAZINE: Why did you decide to tweet pics of Faith?
@wonderwomanshel: We [Michelle and hubby Hugh Hanley] were really adamant that, apart from the first interview I did with her, we didn't want people to see her. But I'm so proud of her. I think she's gorgeous, so I thought why not share our joy!
@PPPMAGAZINE: How would you feel if Faith wants to be on Twitter one day?
@wonderwomanshel: I'd make a decision based on her maturity at the time. I see no problem with a 14 or 15-year-old following a pop star, but we'll cross that bridge if we come to it!
@PPPMAGAZINE: What's the best piece of advice your best pal Katie Price has given you?
@wonderwomanshel: Katie's amazing. As she's a mum of three [now to be four!], I've learnt a lot! But the best piece of advice is don't listen to advice. Every baby and every mum is different and it's a learning process. Trust your own instincts.