'The Unmumsy Mum' Sarah Turner and her children - family facts
Bio and birth dates for Unmumsy Mum blogger Sarah Turner, her husband James and their 3 boys: Henry, Jude and Wilf...

Who is Sarah Turner, aka The Unmumsy Mum?
Sarah Turner is a blogger and author who lives in Exeter, Devon, with her husband James and 3 sons.
She's got 2 bestselling books under her name, The Unmumsy Mum and The Unmumsy Mum Diaries.
She documents pretty much every aspect of mum life on her Instagram: @TheUnmumsyMum.
The Unmumsy Mum's husband

Sarah's husband is called James Turner. Here he is snoozin' with his 3rd son, baby Wilf.
He pops up in her Instagram posts from time to time, but he also has a popular account of his own: @james_turner8
The Unmumsy Mum's children

- Henry Turner, born 14 February 2012. Well, we know he's 6 years old as of April 2018.
- Jude Turner, born August 2014. We think!
- Wilf Nicholas Turner, born 12 December 2017.
Henry Turner

We're pretty sure Henry was born in 2012, on Valentine's Day no less, if his mum's Instagram posts are anything to go by.
Sarah's posting less about her eldest now he's at school, but we can tell from her family album that he's a fab big bro!
The Unmumsy Mum journey begins

Sarah first began her blog after welcoming her 1st child, Henry.
She says she couldn't relate to anything she was reading online about being a mum for the first time, so wanted to share her thoughts.
"I first started the blog in 2013 after becoming disillusioned with the other parenting literature I had found online," writes Sarah on her blog.
"To me, there was a huge discrepancy between the almost glossy parenting I was seeing online and the day-to-day reality of being a parent.
"I think I was craving reassurance that there were other parents out there like me who, between the moments of magic, were having ‘WTF am I supposed to be doing here?’ moments, too.
"In the absence of anything that lifted my spirits I decided I’d start writing something of my own and the blog was born."
Of course, thousands fell in love with her writing style and family stories - and her blog became a huge success.
Two books were later inspired by it, the first of which, simply titled 'The Unmumsy Mum', became a Sunday Times #1 bestseller.
Jude Turner

In Summer 2014, Sarah and James welcomed their 2nd child, another baby boy. They decided on the name Jude.
Sarah confessed in her blog that she hadn't been treating baby Jude *quite* the same as she had her first born. Something we reckon is pretty natural. After all, you've learnt SO much by then...
"For Henry’s first Christmas, we overspent. For Jude’s upcoming first Christmas, we are being realistic," Sarah wrote on her blog.
"He will be 15 weeks old, unable to yet sit up, quite probably no interest even in the wrapping paper. He does not need a f*****g stocking.
"So no we haven't been treating our second child the same. Occasionally, I do have a pang of guilt. But mostly, I reckon it will do him good. I'd put money on him being more laid back as a result."
Sarah's 3rd pregnancy

In mid 2017, Sarah announced her 3rd pregnancy on Instagram, with a gorgeous photo of her older boys.
With Henry holding the baby scan and Jude holding a plushy rabbit, the game's all but given away. The matching 'big bro' t-shirts made it official!
Turns out, someone had asked Sarah point-blank whether she was expecting, while she was only 4 weeks. All because she wasn't having a tipple.
Fortunately, she found a way to keep the happy news private until she felt ready to announce...
"A little update from the Turner camp - we are having a baby!!" she captioned the pic. "A little brother for Henry and Jude, due in December.
"It has been SO weird keeping this from you but we felt like we wanted to hold onto it as a family for a little while. There is so much I want to share so I promise I will blog soon but for now I just wanted to say that we are over the moon and feeling really bloody lucky.
"Also I'm sorry I fibbed about going alcohol free for a month, somebody asked me outright in front of a crowd whether I was pregnant at 4 weeks and I panicked"
Sarah was pretty open about her pregnancy on Instagram. Even while on holiday, she shared a relatable snap of her cellulite with fans, after receiving lots of compliments on her legs.
Sarah also shared regular bump updates - here's one at 20 weeks...

And another at 30 weeks...

Alongside the pic, she talked about how she'd been really insecure about her pregnancy figure while expecting her 2 boys.
"30 weeks and feeling it! I love this top and I don’t mind the extra side/back handles at all, which is actually amazing because with my first and second pregnancies I had real issues with what I perceived to be ‘back fat’
"(I know, I know, what a silly billy but it did actually get me down at the time).
"Not this time, this is the last time I will do this and honestly I just want him to be OK in there"
Wilf Nicholas Turner
Wilf was born on 12 December 2017, and Sarah's been pretty upfront with post-birth life since welcoming her 3rd child into the world.
She's been candid about the birth itself, even sharing photos following her water birth and a post-labour snap of herself in a nappy....

"I realised it’s less flesh than it would be if I shared my ‘bikini body’ and represents the postpartum reality so well.
"I was absolutely euphoric at this point, despite walking like John Wayne and wearing an adult nappy. I cannot tell you how much we were laughing by this stage either, mostly at how lucky James [her partner] is.
She's also not afraid to talk about the fact that Wilf has been a bit of a 'crier', confessing:

"I’m not going to lie, the last few weeks have been testing. A low point being The Night of a Thousand Feeds when I simply didn’t bother removing him from my boob for around 8 hours because doing so resulted in blood-curdling screams.
"And having to leave early from 3 out of the 4 catch ups with friends because there was simply no point trying to ‘catch up’ over the din (as tough as I am, the ‘why isn’t she sorting that crying out?’ stares from strangers does get you down after a while, even 3 babies later!)
"BUT we are doing OK. Really truly we are. I loved this boy from the moment he was the size of a cranberry or whatever they are on those pregnancy apps.
"And though I am tired and a little disheartened that he isn’t cooing and smiling just yet, I am still somehow finding it all easier this time around.
"I know this isn’t forever, I know ‘this too shall pass’ and I know we are lucky to have him."
Mind, we have started to see him smile lately ??? Isn't he a cutie?

Images: Instagram/The Unmumsy Mum
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