"Let's celebrate the changes we go through"

Celeb mums may 'snap back into shape' within hours of the birth but we all know that, for most of us, our postnatal bodies are a bit lumpier and bumpier and, well, stretchmark-ier than they were before. And that's something to celebrate, says photographer Liliana Taboa, who's taken a stunning set of un-retouched real-mum portraits to "normalise" the postnatal body, in all its shapes and forms.


"I want women to ... be able to see what motherhood actually looks like," says Liliana of her Divine-Mothering.com project. "Let's celebrate the changes women's bodies go through over time, through pregnancy and breastfeeding. I want to create a tribe, a support system, a validation system, a positive force to combat the negativity that we are being surrounded by."

Click next to see more amazing pictures of real post-baby bodies…

Photos: Divine Mothering

Teresa: "It's a great feeling. I can't put it into words. It's so amazing"


Colleen: "I'm 24 now and I still feel like people look at me like The Teen Mum."


Stacey: "He's very much worth all of the changes I've gone through."


Rebecca: "I am covered in stripes and I'm proud of every single one of them."


Sandra: "I feel more confident, more self-assured."

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