Life after The Street
Tina O'Brien, 25, played Corrie's feisty teen mum Sarah-Louise Grimshaw opposite her real-life partner Ryan Thomas, 24. Ryan plays the Street's Jason Grimshaw and Tina starred as his on-screen wife. They'd been together for six years when Tina discovered she was pregnant.


Are you getting into your stride as a mum?
Definitely! The second Scarlett was born, I felt like I knew her already. She's better at sleeping now, which is a relief. Ryan's a very hands-on dad, too. I never doubted he would be. He does everything a mother would do, including the nappies.

How do you think you've changed?
I'm definitely more emotional now. If I watch anything sad on TV to do with children, it really hits me and I get very upset. I even cry at adverts! Before Scarlett was born I hadn't realised how strong those maternal feelings would be, so I was a bit nervous about how I'd be as a mum, but there was a bond there straight away.

What's surprised you most about motherhood?
The fact that it whizzes by so quickly - I want to freeze time! Scarlett is eight months now and changes by the day, so to hold on to the memories I've started a journal of her milestones - her first smile, her first giggle. I've also created a memory box and kept her hospital wristband, first babygro, tiny cardigan and a lock of her hair. You can so easily get caught up in all the stuff of the day and forget to appreciate the moment. I'm enjoying every second with Scarlett. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me.


Take part in The Barnardos Big Toddle
Tina is celebrating the launch of 'The Barnardos Big Toddle, supported by Fairy Non Bio Gel', encouraging people and parents to celebrate their little ones and raise money for a good cause with a sponsored walk. For more information visit
