Tina O’Brien gave birth to her second child earlier this month. The baby boy named Beau Lee Stephen is her first baby with 27-year-old boyfriend of 3 years, Adam Croft. The 31-year-old actress also has a daughter Scarlett, 6, (pictured above) from her previous relationship with ex-Corrie co-star Ryan Thomas.


Tina was in labour for just under 2 hours but the former TV soap star revealed that although the birth was relatively quick, it had plenty of drama...

"I was very lucky, my labour was over in 2 hours! I was 11 days overdue, which were 11 days of hell because I was still doing the school run with Scarlett and I was so heavy," she told OK! magazine. "At about 1.10am on Friday morning my waters broke and straight away my contractions were 2 or 3 minutes apart."

As if in a TV soap, when Tina and Adam made their mad dash to the hospital, they took a wrong turn and ended up going to the wrong hospital! Thankfully, the couple made it to the right birthing suite in time and Tina was lowered into the birthing pool while Adam held her hand.

With everything happening so quickly, Tina said she used hypnobirthing in lieu of pain relief as she "wanted as natural birth as possible".

Despite all the deep breathing and imagining herself in a calm meadow, when she realised the baby was nearly here, Tina panicked.

"I remember saying: 'I think I'm going to die'," the mum-of-2 said.

Once the baby was born, Tina struggled to process what had just happened as everything had happened so quickly. "I was too shocked because just a few hours earlier I was asleep in bed and suddenly I was holding a baby," she said.

Congratulations both!

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