The kinds of jobs your baby or toddler will have when they grow up have been revealed in new Government-commissioned research.


In 2030, your child could be a body-part maker, which is one of the most popular professions predicted, reports the Daily Mail. So what does a body-part maker do? They’ll be making replacements for unhealthy or damaged body parts, based on the developments in stem cell technology and prosthetics.

Other career paths include:

  • Memory augmentation surgeons (they’ll help you boost your brain’s storage capacity)
  • Space architects (someone’s gotta design those buildings on the moon and in outer space!)
  • Personal branders (they’ll assist you in looking more interesting on the 2030 equivalent of Facebook, Twitter, Bebo or whatever your preferred social networking site is)
  • Social ‘networking’ workers (like social workers, but they'll help when you’ve been traumatised by your computer obsession)
  • Virtual clutter organisers (organising our electronic lives)
  • Anything related to space tourism (think space pilots and space tour guides)
  • Climate change reversal specialists (does what it says on the tin)
  • Weather modification police (they’ll keep new scientific advances that let us trigger rainfall in order)
  • ‘New science’ ethicists (to ensure developments in science are kept in check)
  • Narrow-caster (a broadcaster tailoring the TV streamed into your home from all the available channels, of which there’ll be hundreds)
  • Quarantine enforces (they’ll prevent the spread of diseases. Not the most coveted job by any means!)
  • Waste data handlers (well, someone’s going to have to prevent those cyber-criminals from tracking us down)

Fields your tot could train in include virtual law, nano-medicine and vertical farming. And yes, that last one does mean farming upwards!


The research is part of the Government’s campaign to encourage interest in science.
