‘90s TV fans will probably best remember Tori Spelling as Donna Martin from Beverly Hills 90210.


But nowadays, Tori’s best known as a reality TV star, editor of lifestyle website ediTORIal and as a mum of 4.

Well, soon-to-be mum of 5!

43-year-old Tori and her actor husband Dean McDermott, 49, announced their 5th pregnancy in October 2016 - and after revealing they were expecting a boy, Tori took to Instagram to share that she’s got just 6 weeks left until her due date.

How else to announce such exciting news than with a celebratory bump selfie, right? ?

"#bumpproud Can't wait to meet you little man... my little Pisces. #6weekstogo #littleman #number5” she wrote beside the snap.

The Spelling-McDermott household is set to be a busy one, indeed. The couple already share 4-year-old son Finn, 5-year-old daughter Hattie, 8-year-old Stella and 9-year-old son Liam.

tori spelling dean mcdermott and kids

Tori, who had placenta previa during her 4th pregnancy, has said that her 5th pregnancy was a “total surprise" - a happy one at that.

Here's hoping the rest of her pregnancy runs smoothly... and congrats to the ever-growing fam ?

Images: Instagram/Tori Spelling

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