UK’s oldest first-time mum struggles to bring up a child in her 60s
Susan Tollefsen, who became a mother at 57, admits she was too old for IVF

Britain’s oldest first-time mum, Susan Tollefsen, has claimed an age limit should be set for women wanting IVF treatment, after finding it difficult to bring up a 3-year-old in her 60s.
Conceiving daughter Freya at a Russian clinic in 2008 at the age of 57, Susan now admits she was too old to become a parent.
At the time, the mum-to-be defended her choice by pointing out her partner, Nick Mayer, was eleven years her junior, and would be able to look after their daughter if she passed away.
The couple have now split, and the single mum concedes with her critics after explaining it’s hard bringing up a 3-year-old alone at the age of 61.
“Freya is without doubt the best thing I have ever done in my life, and I have no regrets. But with the benefit of hindsight I recognise that perhaps some of my critics were right,” said Susan, reports the Daily Mail.
“I’m doing my best to raise her to be completely independent but the prospect of her being taken from me, if I die, particularly when she’s still young, breaks my heart.”
Susan, who is deaf in one ear and having a knee replaced, admits the dynamics of her life have changed. While many of her peers would be thinking of retirement, she is experiencing life at the school gates.
“Right from the start it was a shock, and shock’s not good for the elderly!” said Susan.
Government guidelines recommend doctors IVF isn’t offered to women over 40 on the NHS, while private clinics will generally refuse to treat women older than 50.
Health watchdog NICE is also in the mist of considering whether to scrap the age limit in favour of treating women based on tests that estimate how many eggs they’ve left.
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