These days, it is common practice for celebrity parents to endow their offspring with titles that are a little, erm, unusual.


So it comes as no surprise that Uma Thurman has caused a bit of a stir with the announcement of her three-month-old daughter’s name. Or rather, names.

Speaking to US Weekly Uma’s spokesperson unveiled the mouthful of a moniker, saying, "I would like to announce Uma and Arki's daughter's name for the first time officially: Rosalind Arusha Arkadina Altalune Florence Thurman-Busson, better known to family and friends as Luna.''

Until now, Uma and boyfriend Arpad Busson had kept their choice firmly under wraps, despite the fact that Luna was born back in July.

Perhaps they have spent the last three months disputing which of the quintet of titles to pick, and eventually just gave up and went for them all...


